gabrielle stichweh

Hello. I’m Gabrielle. I am an artisan, designer, teacher, and learner. I work as the Prototyping Technician at UC’s Ground Floor Makerspace, which fosters my passion for fabrication, skill sharing, and learning new things.




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gabrielle stichweh

Hello. I’m Gabrielle. I am an artisan, designer, teacher, and learner. I work as the Prototyping Technician at UC’s Ground Floor Makerspace, which fosters my passion for fabrication, skill sharing, and learning new things.




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gallery show

The Work Is Play Administration is an artist collective group based out of Cincinnati. The Administration collaborates to cover topics of the personal, political, artistic, and beyond in mediums both physical and digital.

This group show uses the archetype of an office desk to explore sculpture and alternative design methods. The work is presented on a “prop” desk and chair and features a variety of objects- with a focus on material exploration, speculative, discursive, and sculptural methods.

My specific contribution to the gallery show is a representation of the office worker- a life sized stuffed shadow person. This piece occupies the space of the worker, never going home, never leaving the workspace. It is a reminder of the necessity of humans in the workplace. No matter how high-tech or beautiful the office supplies, no matter the perceived value of each individual position in the corporate ladder, each seat must be occupied in order to make the office run.


The Work Is Play Administration is an artist collective group based out of Cincinnati. The Administration collaborates to cover topics of the personal, political, artistic, and beyond in mediums both physical and digital.

  1. “Manifestos”

  2. “Portraits

  3. “How is the Weather Today?”

  4. “Nu Magick”

  5. Dossier

  6. “Irregular Transmissions

  7. “Running Late”


The Administration is proud to announce our latest venture into the practice of social sculpture. Leaving behind the materiality and limitations of Zine publishing and art objects, we have expanded into the ripe field of privatized Intelligence Agencies. After months of training, power grabs, and propaganda, we present to you a new branch of the Administration: Work Is Play Administration Intelligence Institution. (WIPAii)

The WIPAii has, after several years of undercover intelligence gathering and corporate espionage, assembled a stunning expose on the city of Cincinnati in the form of a dossier.

This dossier is 10 separate files, 64 pages in total, held in an accordion folder.

It contains:

-2 short stories

-1 historical translation

-1 rebrand proposal deck

-A variety of notes & correspondence

-4 small posters (8.5x11)

-1 foldout poster/map

-1 customized handkerchief